Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Chemotherapy #6 - Half way there

First of all, sorry this is so late.  I just got back to school and have been very busy with studying.  The next one shouldn't take as long to get up.

I am now half way done with my chemotherapy.  I have finished 6 sessions, or 3 cycles.  In a couple days here I will start the second half of it, and soon after get re-staged.  Hopefully everything is going according to plan and my staging can be lowered.  As a reminder to anyone, I am considered Stage 3bs.  I am curious to see how my spleen is now compared to before starting.  I'll have to do a breathing test again too at some point, to check how my lungs are keeping up with everything, because this can cause toxicity to them.  I don't think I am having problems with that though.

For my 6th chemo I was in Saint Cloud.  This is probably the last of my chemotherapy to be done in Saint Cloud actually.  The rest should be up here in Grand Forks as I finish up the school year, as there aren't anymore big breaks to go home for.  (Besides spring break, but we have other plans for that.)  The same people as usual were with for it.  This one seemed longer to me. The time was pretty much the same as the others here, but it just felt longer to me.  My dad and I both fell asleep during this visit.  Taylor did not, so it must have felt even longer for her!  She will be coming to visit after class during my sessions up here in Grand Forks, I'll just be skipping class that day.  I only have one class on the Friday and have talked to the professor about it already.

One thing that is very upsetting to me since this last chemo is the metal taste.  I've been getting it for awhile now after chemos, but it usually went away after about a week.  This time it stayed up until just about a day ago real strong, and now lingers slightly.  My next chemo is in just a couple days.  I didn't get a break from this metal taste in between like before, so that is disappointing to me because it makes food, and even just anything much less enjoyable.  I hope this isn't something that will get worse.

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