A lot has happened since my surgery and PET scan. Thursday and Friday were nice having a break from all this doctor stuff just being able to relax. Friday was especially nice because Taylor and I went home for the weekend to see family. It was really good being home, minus somethings. I got to see my brother and sister and got to go to my favorite place for food, House of Pizza with my family and Taylor's family. It was a really good time and I probably ate more pizza than I should of, nothing new there though. :)
Sunday Taylor and I hit the road on our back to Grand Forks, North Dakota. My dad left shortly after and was pretty much behind us the whole drive. Just minutes after we arrived he was here too. We made it back in time for me to watch The Walking Dead with my suite mates, and then at 9 I treated Taylor and my dad to some Buffalo Wild Wings. After that it was bed time. The next day, Monday would be a busy one.
Monday morning Taylor and I both went to our first 9am classes, and then headed back to her dorm. My appointment with the oncologist was at 11am so we had sometime. She did some homework while I rested, and eventually my dad showed up and came and sat with us in there til it was time to go. Everyone at the cancer center was very nice. After checking in we didn't have to wait long. Taylor and my Dad both came with me. All three of us went back to this little room where I got all the questions then we waited for the doctor. After a short wait he came in. Dr. Gorouhi is his name. He proceeded to asking a bunch more questions and then asked if I had seen my PET scan yet, I had not and I did want to. He loaded it up and there were a lot of areas that had black on them. Taylor and my Dad got scared because the brain area and bladder were black, but that didn't worry me because I thought it was just because of the high sugar use in those areas, which was exactly the case. Taylor says that when she saw it she wanted to throw up. Dr. Gorouhi explained that those two areas were not cancer, but the rest of the black areas were. There were black areas in my neck, chest, and spleen. Since it is on both sides of my diaphragm it is considered stage 3. To find out if it is stage 4 a bone marrow bisopy had to be done, which was done this morning. Not matter what though the treatment is the same, they are doing that basically just to know. So right now my Hodgkin's Lymphoma cancer is Stage 3BS. "B" because I have the systemic symptoms (fever, drenching night sweats, weight loss) and "S" because it is in the spleen. Hopefully the bone marrow biopsy comes back negative and it stays stage 3.
After looking at the PET scan and a quick examination Dr. Gorouhi ordered various tests for the remainder of the week and set up my chemo to start on Friday. Tomorrow, Wednesday I will be driving to Fargo to a sperm bank to get some frozen, in case the Chemotherapy treatment makes me infertile. Hopefully that doesn't happen, however. Thursday I will be getting a portocath inserted into my chest, which will make Chemo and all blood draws and whatever a lot easier of the next 6 months. Instead of poking my arms and veins they will go in through this thing and it should be painless for me. This will be another procedure that I will need a ride for. Then on Friday I will meet with Dr. Gorouhi again before starting chemo. We will probably go over the bone marrow biopsy results.
As for today, Tuesday, October 25th. This morning my day started at 6am. Waking up early to get ready for the day. My dad was up then too. After getting ready we sat around for an hour before heading to the Altru main clinic where I was getting a bone marrow biopsy. When we got there and checked in I was called back real quickly and brought back to a room with a table, where I would be laying. Some quick questions and then an I.V. was placed. Dr. Gorouhi took a long time to get there, apparently he went to the wrong place.. or something. Not quite sure. Shortly after he arrived I was flipped over onto my stomach. My shirt was pulled up and my pants pulled down some and they placed the blue sheet thing over the area they would be working with. My left rear hip area. After that I was out, put to sleep. Next thing I know I was on my back waking up and my Dad was in the room with me. I was given 2 small cans of apple juice and 2 slices of buttered wheat toast. After I was feeling more awake they brought in a wheel chair for me and brought me over to the hospital to get a MUGA scan, which is to check out my heart make sure it is healthy and get a baseline because some chemos can be hard on the heart.
After that my dad brought me back to my dorm, made sure I got up to my room took my box fan and we hugged good bye. I went straight into my bed. While I was laying in that room waiting for the doctor I just kept thinking that my life has changed so much within the last week or so, and that the next 6 months will be nothing like I expected them to be. Life is very different right now but I am sure I will get through this and it will all be just a bad memory before we know it. I don't really care that I will lose my hair, I will look funny sure, but it will come back. I am very thankful for everyone around me being so kind and caring during all of this. If there is anything I can do for any of them I would do it in a heartbeat.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Post-Surgery & a PET scan
Yesterday was my surgery. Woke up bright and early so we could get there on time at 8:30. When we got there we checked in and headed over to same day surgery and checked in there too. After a bit of waiting I was called back, and Taylor was allowed back with me. Weight was taken, and questions asked and answered. Then the nurse told me that she doesn't know why they had me come in so early when my surgery wasn't until around noon. She gave me a pager and said I can walk around the hospital or hangout in the waiting room, just have to be back by around 10:30.
Taylor and I decided to walk around the hospital, we went everywhere that we thought we could to kill time. It was a long wait, but around 10:00 Taylor's mom Cindy arrived. She had insisted on coming up for it, even when Taylor said she didn't have to. My dad would have came up too, but he had to bring my mom to a doctor's appointment that she had been canceling for quite some time. She had to go to it. Anyway, after Cindy arrived we headed back to same day surgery to wait. We sat there for hours. Cindy's aunt, who works in pathology in the hospital came by to visit. That is Taylor's great-aunt. She seemed nice, and maybe she'll be working with my stuff, who knows. After she left we waited and waited some more, it was around 1pm I believe finally when I was called back. Taylor came with me, while Cindy stayed back. I got into my gown, was able to keep socks and unders on, and crawled into bed. Then Taylor and I waited back there for a little longer while different doctors came back to talk to me. Taylor snapped a couple photos of me in my cap and gown while I was laying there waiting. I thought I looked silly.
After a few more minutes someone came back and put some stuff in the IV to make me feel sleepy. I don't remember anything after that until I woke up in recovery. When I woke up there was a nurse there feeding me ice chips, and after a few minutes Taylor and Cindy were allowed in. It was so good to see them. I was given water and ice cream and a popsicle. I thought the ice cream tasted funny so I didn't finish it, plus it hurt to swallow. Eventually I was allowed to get up and go. By the time we were out of there it was passed 5pm. Cindy drove, and we left the explorer at the hospital, where it still is --we will get it later tonight with the help of my friend Eric. We went to Walmart and they got me some protein powder, some soup, and some popsicles. Then we headed back to our dorms and dropped stuff off and had dinner. After dinner they walked me back to my dorm where I sat until bed.
Over night I woke up every few hours to pee, I had a lot of water after the surgery since I wasn't allowed to drink any before. Eventually I woke up for good. I wanted to shower, but I'm not allowed to until Thursday. When I had gotten ready for the day I still had a little over an hour to wait before heading to the Altru Cancer Center for my PET scan. When I got in there I checked in and was pointed downstairs where I checked in there. Very quickly after I got there someone came out to get me. I was brought back to a small room where another IV was put in so she could put in the radioactive glucose into my veins. IV was pulled out and warm blankets were placed on me and door was shut with lights out where I would sit quietly with as little movement as possible for the next hour. It was really relaxing in there with the blankets on me. I didn't actually fall asleep, but I was right on the edge in a sort of dream like state, but aware of what was going on hearing peoples voices outside the room and whatnot. After that hour was up she came back to get me and brought me to the room with the scanner. A couple quick goes through for CT scans, and then one longer 20-30 minute PET scan. After that I was able to leave. I grabbed a cookie on my way out. Cindy drove me to and from my PET scan and took off after she dropped me off. I really appreciate her coming up here for me. My dad does too. She was a lot of help, and I hope took some stress off Taylor.
I missed a test in Microbiology because of this PET scan, but I talked to the teacher on Monday about everything and can make it up on a later date. That's the news up til now, until next time. Take care.
UPDATE: Bandage is off, here's the stitches.
Taylor and I decided to walk around the hospital, we went everywhere that we thought we could to kill time. It was a long wait, but around 10:00 Taylor's mom Cindy arrived. She had insisted on coming up for it, even when Taylor said she didn't have to. My dad would have came up too, but he had to bring my mom to a doctor's appointment that she had been canceling for quite some time. She had to go to it. Anyway, after Cindy arrived we headed back to same day surgery to wait. We sat there for hours. Cindy's aunt, who works in pathology in the hospital came by to visit. That is Taylor's great-aunt. She seemed nice, and maybe she'll be working with my stuff, who knows. After she left we waited and waited some more, it was around 1pm I believe finally when I was called back. Taylor came with me, while Cindy stayed back. I got into my gown, was able to keep socks and unders on, and crawled into bed. Then Taylor and I waited back there for a little longer while different doctors came back to talk to me. Taylor snapped a couple photos of me in my cap and gown while I was laying there waiting. I thought I looked silly.
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Looking silly |
After a few more minutes someone came back and put some stuff in the IV to make me feel sleepy. I don't remember anything after that until I woke up in recovery. When I woke up there was a nurse there feeding me ice chips, and after a few minutes Taylor and Cindy were allowed in. It was so good to see them. I was given water and ice cream and a popsicle. I thought the ice cream tasted funny so I didn't finish it, plus it hurt to swallow. Eventually I was allowed to get up and go. By the time we were out of there it was passed 5pm. Cindy drove, and we left the explorer at the hospital, where it still is --we will get it later tonight with the help of my friend Eric. We went to Walmart and they got me some protein powder, some soup, and some popsicles. Then we headed back to our dorms and dropped stuff off and had dinner. After dinner they walked me back to my dorm where I sat until bed.
Over night I woke up every few hours to pee, I had a lot of water after the surgery since I wasn't allowed to drink any before. Eventually I woke up for good. I wanted to shower, but I'm not allowed to until Thursday. When I had gotten ready for the day I still had a little over an hour to wait before heading to the Altru Cancer Center for my PET scan. When I got in there I checked in and was pointed downstairs where I checked in there. Very quickly after I got there someone came out to get me. I was brought back to a small room where another IV was put in so she could put in the radioactive glucose into my veins. IV was pulled out and warm blankets were placed on me and door was shut with lights out where I would sit quietly with as little movement as possible for the next hour. It was really relaxing in there with the blankets on me. I didn't actually fall asleep, but I was right on the edge in a sort of dream like state, but aware of what was going on hearing peoples voices outside the room and whatnot. After that hour was up she came back to get me and brought me to the room with the scanner. A couple quick goes through for CT scans, and then one longer 20-30 minute PET scan. After that I was able to leave. I grabbed a cookie on my way out. Cindy drove me to and from my PET scan and took off after she dropped me off. I really appreciate her coming up here for me. My dad does too. She was a lot of help, and I hope took some stress off Taylor.
I missed a test in Microbiology because of this PET scan, but I talked to the teacher on Monday about everything and can make it up on a later date. That's the news up til now, until next time. Take care.
UPDATE: Bandage is off, here's the stitches.
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My stitches |
Monday, October 17, 2011
The last couple of days..
After going to the Urgent Care at the Altru Hospital here in Grand Forks I was referred to a E.N.T. doctor. (Ear Nose & Throat).
Morning after my urgent care appointment I called up the number that I was given and to my surprise I was able to get an appointment the next morning, that was October 14th. When the day came I went into the main clinic entrance, but had no idea where I was going so I asked the lady at the desk. 4D is where I was instructed to go, fourth floor room D.
Entering 4D I walked up to the registration desk and announced that I had an appointment, got signed in and was told to sit down. Waiting for the doctor each of these times just seems like the longest thing ever. Eventually one of the nurses called my name, brought me back to the room and went through the questions before the doctor. Nothing out of really out of the ordinary. Nurse leaves and again I sit and wait. A little while later the doctor came in, Dr. Alan Johnson. After a few questions he checked out the lumps on my neck, finding each one that I had found myself. I was a little relieved that he didn't find anymore than I had, but then we started talking about what it could be. Lymphoma was his biggest concern, and was something that I looked up a few times. Hearing him say it was a lot different than just my own little research.
I was sent to get a CT scan of my neck. When I got to radiology the lady sitting behind the desk was expecting me. Originally the radiology department had said that there wasn't an availability during that day, but Dr. Johnson gave them a call and got them to do it same day. I was instructed to follow these set of tiles to a small room where I waited for them to get the room ready. Sat in that room for a bit and eventually someone came to get me. I laid down and an I.V. was inserted into my arm and I was put in to the machine. After a couple pictures the iodine was injected and the rest of the photos were taken.
After this I wait the weekend to go in and get some results. It was a long weekend, but I got to spend it with Taylor and she helped keep my mind off all that stuff.
Finally today, Monday came. Woke up bright and early and drove over there. My appointment for today was at 8am. After I got there I went up to 4D and signed in and waited. So much waiting. The nurse came out and brought me back for the quick before-doc-questions. This time my weight was asked, but I didn't have an answer because I don't own a scale. She just weighed me and entered it in. My weight was down from normal, which had not occurred to my knowledge yet. Dr. Johnson finally comes in and we go through my CT scan from Friday. Apparently there is a lump in my chest too, sort of pushing on my trachea. Which explains a little bit of shortness of breath every now and then. He also noticed that I have a deviated septum, but I knew of that sort of already. (I knew my nose was crooked inside). I had another CT scan originally for 3PM today, but that was canceled and a PET scan was ordered. A needle biopsy was done, and I was also scheduled for surgery for a lymph node biopsy.
The surgery is tomorrow, I will go in at 8:30AM and be there for 4-5 hours is what I was told. (Surgery time ~ 1 hour). I've never had a surgery before, or been knocked out by anesthesia, so I am worried about it. I am also worried, but anxious to find out what exactly the problem is...
Time to get some rest, big day tomorrow.
Morning after my urgent care appointment I called up the number that I was given and to my surprise I was able to get an appointment the next morning, that was October 14th. When the day came I went into the main clinic entrance, but had no idea where I was going so I asked the lady at the desk. 4D is where I was instructed to go, fourth floor room D.
Entering 4D I walked up to the registration desk and announced that I had an appointment, got signed in and was told to sit down. Waiting for the doctor each of these times just seems like the longest thing ever. Eventually one of the nurses called my name, brought me back to the room and went through the questions before the doctor. Nothing out of really out of the ordinary. Nurse leaves and again I sit and wait. A little while later the doctor came in, Dr. Alan Johnson. After a few questions he checked out the lumps on my neck, finding each one that I had found myself. I was a little relieved that he didn't find anymore than I had, but then we started talking about what it could be. Lymphoma was his biggest concern, and was something that I looked up a few times. Hearing him say it was a lot different than just my own little research.
I was sent to get a CT scan of my neck. When I got to radiology the lady sitting behind the desk was expecting me. Originally the radiology department had said that there wasn't an availability during that day, but Dr. Johnson gave them a call and got them to do it same day. I was instructed to follow these set of tiles to a small room where I waited for them to get the room ready. Sat in that room for a bit and eventually someone came to get me. I laid down and an I.V. was inserted into my arm and I was put in to the machine. After a couple pictures the iodine was injected and the rest of the photos were taken.
After this I wait the weekend to go in and get some results. It was a long weekend, but I got to spend it with Taylor and she helped keep my mind off all that stuff.
Finally today, Monday came. Woke up bright and early and drove over there. My appointment for today was at 8am. After I got there I went up to 4D and signed in and waited. So much waiting. The nurse came out and brought me back for the quick before-doc-questions. This time my weight was asked, but I didn't have an answer because I don't own a scale. She just weighed me and entered it in. My weight was down from normal, which had not occurred to my knowledge yet. Dr. Johnson finally comes in and we go through my CT scan from Friday. Apparently there is a lump in my chest too, sort of pushing on my trachea. Which explains a little bit of shortness of breath every now and then. He also noticed that I have a deviated septum, but I knew of that sort of already. (I knew my nose was crooked inside). I had another CT scan originally for 3PM today, but that was canceled and a PET scan was ordered. A needle biopsy was done, and I was also scheduled for surgery for a lymph node biopsy.
The surgery is tomorrow, I will go in at 8:30AM and be there for 4-5 hours is what I was told. (Surgery time ~ 1 hour). I've never had a surgery before, or been knocked out by anesthesia, so I am worried about it. I am also worried, but anxious to find out what exactly the problem is...
Time to get some rest, big day tomorrow.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Waiting... (mobile!)
Someone came and drew blood from me and I have been alone since. I was told that I would see a surgeon to get a piece of my lymph node to see what the problem is. Maybe soon this will all be figured out?
Taylor, my girlfriend, is out in the waiting room and has been since we got here. I feel really bad because she is sitting out there all alone. At least she brought some homework with her though for something to so.
It was so nice of her to come with me, and yesterday too when we tried to get me into the VA in Fargo. (Turns out I couldn't!) She is so kind, will be there for me when ever I need her. I love spending time with her, and always want to be around here, even when she doesn't want to be around me! Hah!
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